
Wisdom is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the book of Wisdom, we find the literary voice of Solomon, the model king and seeker of wisdom sharing his meditations. Concepts from Greek philosophy are integrated into Jewish tradition to present new insights into how wisdom can be both a quality of God and a human characteristic. Three affirmations in this lyrical book especially resonate for modern Christians: the kingdom of God means...

Sirach (first quarter of the second century B.C.) do specifically Israelite themes appear. Like Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon similarly combines universal and national themes. The author portrays Israel in its defining moment, the exodus. In ancient Near Eastern cultures, the moment of origin was deemed particularly important, for it was then that the imprint of the creating gods was clearest. In antiquity, people thought of the world as “given” at the beginning, having already the institutions (kingship,
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